10. Sep

RTG Mercator Seminar: Dr. Stefan Howorka - University College London

Nanopores: DNA sequencing, protein sensing and identification

Sequencing of DNA is central in modern biosciences, drug discovery, and healthcare. DNA sequencing with nanopores is a next-generation technology offering rapid readout rates and was widely used during the Covid pandemic for strain identification. Nanopore sequencing involves directly reading single nucleic acid strands in label-free fashion using portable handheld devices. In my presentation, I will describe DNA sequencing with protein nanopores. I will also present recently developed protein-sensing nanopores composed of folded DNA origami. The presentation will conclude an the outlook on protein sequencing with nanopores.


10.09.2024, 16:15 Uhr
10.09.2024, 17:00 Uhr


 CellNanOs, Gebäude 38

Barabarastraße 11
49076 Osnabrück

Konferenzraum 201


Graduiertenkolleg 2900

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Ort: Konferenzraum 201

Veranstalter*in: Graduiertenkolleg 2900

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Veranstalter*in: Graduiertenkolleg 2900

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Ort: Konferenzraum 201

Veranstalter*in: Graduiertenkolleg 2900