
Pre-conference workshop: Introduction to linear modelling with R

In this workshop, you will learn how to analyse corpus data with R, Rstudio, and the tidyverse. This workshop is an introductory course to R and linear modelling, and is suitable for those who have no or only little experience with R and/or linear modelling. The first part of the workshop focuses on an introduction to R, data wrangling and data visualisation. The second part of the workshop focuses on inferential statistics and how to perform simple linear models. Since the workshop is hands-on, you are required to bring your laptop and install R, Rstudio and required packages beforehand. More information on the installation process will be made available on the  OSF repo for this workshop.

The workshop will be held by Alexandra Lorson and will take place on 2-3 September 2024. The maximum number of participants is 20. Participants can sign up for the workshop during the regular registration process. Priority is given to participants who attend the main conference as well, particularly to those who give a presentation or present a poster at the conference.