Sophie Hinger

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Mitglied der  Arbeitsgruppe Sozialgeographie mit Schwerpunkt Bevölkerungs- und Migrationsforschung

Sozialgeographie, geographische Migrationsforschung

I am a social and political geographer with an interest in (urban) geographies of migration, (local) negotiations of asylum, border regimes, and social movements.

I am a member of the  working group Social Geography, the Institute of Migration Studies ( IMIS), and the  Sonderforschungsbereich 1604 “The Production of migration”.

I am currently working in the project “the production of urban spaces of migration through municipalities and research” as part of the SFB 1604 and I coordinate the space-related projects within the SFB.

Since 2017, I have been co-coordinating the Double Degree programme “European Master in Migration Studies” ( EuMIGS) between the Osnabrück’s Master in International Migration and Intercultural Relations and six other European Master programmes in Migration.

I have taught various courses on migration, bordering, (solidary) cities and qualitative research, since 2013.

In my PhD project I studied local responses to and consequences of asylum migration. I analyzed in particular urban negotiations over the reception and accommodation of refugees, deportations, and integration politics. I completed the  dissertation entitled "The Politics of Presence in Asylum: Negotiating the Inclusion:exclusion of refugees" in 2021 at the University of Osnabrück.

Dr. Sophie Hinger

Sophie Hinger
© Uwe Lewandowski

Institut für Geographie
Universität Osnabrück
Seminarstraße 19 a/b
49074 Osnabrück

Raum: 02/307

Tel.: +49 541 969-4352


Books, book chapters


Hinger, S. (2023) The Politics of Presence in Asylum. Negotiating the Inclusion:Exclusion of Refugees in Osnabrück.  Link

Hinger, S. (2023) Integration. In: Handbuch Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung. (pp. 321-326). Nomos Verlag. Hinger, S. & Schweitzer, R. (eds.) The Politics of (Dis-)Integration. Cham: Springer (2020)  Link

Hinger, S. (2020). Integration through disintegration? The distinction between deserving and undeserving refugees in national and local integration policies in Germany. In Politics of (dis) integration (pp. 19-39). Springer, Cham.

Collyer, M., Hinger, S., & Schweitzer, R. (2020). Politics of (dis) integration–An introduction. In Politics of (dis) integration (pp. 1-18). Springer, Cham.

Hinger, S., Daphi, P. & Stern, V. (2019) Divided Reactions: Pro- and anti-migrant mobilization in Germany. In: The Refugee Reception crisis: Polarized Opinions and Mobilizations (pp.55-74)  Link

Hinger, S., Kirchhoff, M., & Wiese, R. (2018). “We Belong Together!” Collective Anti-deportation Protests in Osnabrück. In: Protest movements in asylum and deportation (pp. 163-184). Springer, Cham.  Link

Journal articles

Hinger, S. (forthcoming) The Local Production of Differential Arrival in German Asylum Accommodation. Geographische Zeitschrift.

Ilker Ataç, Helge Schwiertz, Martin Bak Jørgensen, Robin Vandevoordt, Sophie Hinger & Susanne Spindler (2023) Negotiating Borders through a Politics of Scale: Municipalities and Urban Civil Society Initiatives in the Contested Field of Migration, Geopolitics, DOI: 10.1080/14650045.2022.2129732

Hinger, S. & Kirchhoff, M. (2019) Andauerndes Ringen um Teilhabe – Dynamiken kollektiver Proteste gegen Abschiebung in Osnabrück (2014–2017). Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 32(3), 350-363.

Hinger, S., & Schaefer, P. (2019). Making a Difference - The Accommodation of Refugees in Leipzig and Osnabrück. Erdkunde, 73(1), 63-76.  Link

Hinger, S. Schäfer, P. and Pott, A. (2016) The Local Production of Asylum. Journal of Refugee Studies, Volume 29, Issue 4, 1 December 2016, 440–463.

Hinger, S. (2016) Asylum in Germany: The Making of the Crisis and the Role of Civil Society, Human Geography, 9(2), 78-88.  Link

Other publications (without peer-review)


Hinger, S. and Schweitzer, R. (forthcoming) The Politics of (dis)integration, In: Encyclopedia Of Global Migration: New Mobilities And Artivism.

Edward Elgar Hinger, S., Heller, C. & Pezzani, L. (2018). Transformative Trajectories–The shifting Mediterranean Border Regime and the Challenges of Critical Knowledge Production. movements, 4(1), 193.  Link

Hinger, S. (2017) Allemagne : les villes–laboratoires, un autre acceuil possible? Revue Projet, 358,(3), 67-75.  Link

Hinger, S. and Schäfer, P. (2017) Wohnst Du schon – oder wirst Du noch untergebracht? Eine Bestandsaufnahme der Wohnsituation Asylsuchender in Deutschland. Fokus Migration. Kurzdossier Perspektiven auf die Integration von Geflüchteten in Deutschland.  Link

Hinger, S. & Steinhilper, E. (2017). L'accueil allemand, un modèle pour la France? Plein Droit, (No 115), 7-10.  Link

„Rechte durch Präsenz? Lokale Aushandlungen der In:Exklusion von Geflüchteten.“ Neue Kulturgeographie Tagung 2024, Universität Münster, 24.05.2024

La « domopolitique » et l’asile : Le système de dispersion et de logement des exilé.e.s en Allemagne, Colloque JUNIOR du CIERA sur les Politiques d'accueil et expériences d'exil – Perspectives franco-allemandes, 16.9.2021

La ville comme « machine d’intégration » exclusive ? Politiques d'inclusion et d’exclusion des réfugiés dans les villes allemandes depuis le « long été de la migration » en 2015. Journée d’étude sur « villes et gouvernance(s) de migration », Science Po, CERI, 10.9.2021

“The Politics of Presence in Asylum - Negotiations over De/Centralised Asylum Accommodation in Germany”. Seminar MiDi, Migration and Diversity, Science Po, CEE, 17.6.2021

“Deportation for integration? How the integration paradigm is used to justify deportations” (mit Reinhard Schweitzer), Migration Research Group Seminar Series, University of Sheffield, 22.4.21

“The contested bordering through asylum accommodation in German cities” Input at the workshop “Negotiating borders. Local migration regimes, citizenship, and civil society”, 17th Annual IMISCOE Conference, online, 2.7.2020

„Die Reflexive Wende der Migrationsforschung und die Lokale Produktion von Asyl“. Online Workshop der Forschungsgruppe Migration und Sozialpolitik der Universität Duisburg-Essen und der Universität Hildesheim, 27.5.2020

“(Un)Making Heimat – The Role of Civil Society in the Contested Production of Urban Belonging”, IMISCOE Spring Conference, University of Lisbon, 7.2.2020

“Divided Reactions: Pro and Anti-Migrant Mobilizations in Germany”, international conference and book presentation. Brussels, 24.10.2019

“Divided reactions: Pro- and anti-migrant mobilizations in Germany” IMISCOE Conference at Malmö University, Sweden, 28.7.2019

„Konfliktfeld Abschiebungen. Bedingungen und Folgen lokaler Proteste gegen Dublin-Abschiebungen“ IPB-Tagung Berlin, 9.11.2018

“Asyl? Das ist ja ein ganz aktuelles Thema“ Geographisches Kolloquium, IfL Leipzig, 13.12.2016

“Beyond Anti-Deportation – Collective Struggles in Osnabrück”, Deportations as a Conflicting Issue, Universität Osnabrück, 22.9.2016

“Asylum in Germany: The Making of the Crisis and the Role of Civil Society”, RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, London, 2.9.2016

“The Constitution of the (Non-) Refugee Subject in integration policies” INTEGRIM –SCRIBANI Conference 2016, Bilbao, Juli 2016

Sophie Hinger Curriculum Vitae “Decentralized refugee accommodation in German localities and changing geographies of support”, Migrants in the City: New Dynamics of Migration in Urban Settings, University of Sheffield, 12.10.2015

“The Potential of the Regime Perspective for the Study of Refugee Reception, Perceptions and Policies in European Localities”, mit Philipp Schäfer, 12th Annual IMISCOE Conference, Genf, 27.7. 2015