Against the backdrop of the nationwide demand for teachers in vocational schools, the fragmentation of vocational education study programs, the complex practices of teacher recruitment, and the specific conditions at the Osnabrück site, the DEIN_LBSCampus initiative aims to establish and further develop (1) permeability, (2) evidence-based approaches, (3) individuality, and (4) sustainability in the teacher education programs for vocational schools at Osnabrück University.
The focus on permeability seeks to attract professionally qualified target groups, provide academically standardized requalification for lateral and direct entrants, and make university program structures more flexible. This is achieved by expanding study programs, developing modular curricula, and standardizing credit transfer and recognition practices.
Evidence-Based Approaches
The evidence-based approach builds on the existing vocational teacher education research at the Osnabrück site and includes a cross-site monitoring system (Monitor-LBS). This involves analyzing not only structural data but also the profession-related development of students in vocational teacher training throughout their studies. The findings are used to further develop the content and structure of vocational teacher education programs at Osnabrück and across Lower Saxony and to prepare them for nationwide transfer.
The focus on individuality aims to make programs more compatible with part-time study and to stabilize academic progress. The central design principle is the flexibilization of study offerings through blended learning and online-supported mentoring concepts.
In terms of sustainability, the initiative promotes awareness of the offerings and ensures consistent internal quality assurance. Additionally, it establishes a graduate school for "Vocational Teacher Education Research."
This integrated approach seeks to address both local and nationwide challenges in vocational teacher education and to set standards for sustainable and adaptable teacher training programs.
Further Information
This project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Project duration: 01.03.2020 - 31.12.2023
Lange, Silke; Trampe, Kristina; Porcher, Christoph; Walkenhorst, Ursula; Bartels, Amiena; Frommberger, Dietmar (2024): Berufliche Lehrkräftebildung – Bedingungen, Modelle und (Forschungs-)Bedarfe. K.-H. Gerholz, S. Annen, R. Braches-Chyrek, J. Hufnagl & A. Wagner (Hrsg.), bwp@ Spezial HT2023: Hochschultage Berufliche Bildung 2023, 1–25.
Porcher, Christoph; Trampe, Kristina (2024): The typology of initial TVET Teacher Education in Germany. In: Revista Actualidades Investigativas en Educación, 24(1 ), 1-27.
Porcher, Christoph; Trampe, Kristina (2023): Der LBS-Navigator - Ein Online-Tool zur Orientierung im Dschungel der Studiengänge. In: Bildung und Beruf 6 (2), S. 129-132.
Trampe, Kristina; Porcher, Christoph (2022): Zum Status Quo des beruflichen Lehramtsstudiums in Deutschland – Entwicklung und Potential einer Typologie von Studienmodellen. In: Kögler, Kristina; Weyland, Ulrike; Kremer, H.-Hugo (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch der berufs- und wirtschaftspädagogischen Forschung 2022. Opladen, Berlin, Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich, S. 75-88. Online verfügbar unter:
Porcher, Christoph; Trampe, Kristina (2021): Das berufliche Lehramtsstudium in Deutschland. Eine Typologie von Studienmodellen. In: berufsbildung 75 (190), S. 13-16.
Project Team
Lead: Prof. Dr. Dietmar Frommberger
Deputy project management: Prof. Dr. Silke Lange
Kristina Trampe, M.Ed.