
The joint project with the University of Oldenburg, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), aims to promote theoretical (self-)reflective skills of student teachers in vocational education. (Self-)reflective skills are essential for (future) teachers to be able to

  • continuously improve their own teaching activities,
  • adapt their teaching to challenges such as inclusion, sustainability, digitalisation, and
  • actively innovate their teaching as well as their environment.

A seminar concept for the general school internship in the undergraduate programme and the specialised internship in the postgraduate programme will be developed, tested and evaluated in a classical experimental and control group design. To promote (self-) reflective skills, the study uses video-based learning sequences and case studies as well as digital diaries, which serve to link the theoretical content back to complex and authentic practical situations in the preparation for the internship. During the practical phases, the diary encourages students through prompts to link theory and practice in vocational schools.

The effectiveness of the intervention is evaluated by analysing

  • the reflections of the student teachers,
  • their performance in a multiple-choice test on didactics and vocational education studies, and
  • the results of an attitude questionnaire on their perception of the relevance of certain study contents.