
In the FEMPower project, research, practice development and the self-representation of migrants are organised from the outset as a coordinated and interwoven process that makes a sustainable contribution to the further development of needs-oriented vocational training. According to the Central Register of Foreigners, there are more than 260,000 refugee girls and women aged between 15 and 27 living in Germany. However, little is known about their educational pathways, intersectional barriers to education and conditions for success. FEMPower will explore these through educational and occupational biographical interviews. Case biographies are the casuistic starting point for the development and sustainable implementation of qualification measures for teachers in vocational schools and trainers in training companies. FEMPower is designed as a participatory process at two research sites (Bavaria & Lower Saxony) and has a nationwide scope of action through the participation of the practice network partners Bundesverband Netzwerke von Migrant*innenorganisationen (NeMO e.V. free translation: Federal Association of Migrant Organisations' Networks) and SchlaU-Werkstatt - für Migrationspädagogik (free translation: SchlaU Workshop – for migration pedagogy). The practice innovations FEMPower Board and FEMPower Training are supported by the practice network partners and other cooperation partners.